[asterisk-users] Asterisk temporary hangs when no internet connection

Marius Muja mariusmuja at gmail.com
Fri Apr 11 12:16:35 CDT 2008

Hello all,

I have the following problem: if there is a temporary loss of Internet
connectivity, the asterisk server 'hangs' if it has external SIP trunks
configured. By hanging I mean that any calls between the local extensions
and any calls to the voicemail extension stop working. Everything works fine
again when the internet connectivity returns (I tested this by removing and
reinserting the network cable from the cable modem).

My guess is that the asterisk server tries resolving the names of the SIP
providers when it tries to re-register to them and because there is no
internet connectivity it hangs there for a while. However in that time all
the local calls to the asterisk server stop working.

Has anybody else encountered this problem?

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