[asterisk-users] Is Asterisk really good??
Hans Witvliet
hwit at a-domani.nl
Thu Apr 10 16:29:23 CDT 2008
On Thu, 2008-04-10 at 16:05 -0400, Al Baker wrote:
> Remember - True TELCO grade systems simply cannot be compared to
> anything else.
> You want the reliability , uptime, and all the bells and whistles of
> true Carrier Grade Hardware/Software
> then you pay for it. If you want something "you" can tinker under the
> hood with and do some cool
> stuff with, Asterisk is it. BUT - by it need NORTEL PBX reliability or
> the power and flexibility
> of a big Rockwell ACD, get out your check book. The two are not the same.
> Eugen Soare wrote:
> > So this is just a general question, Is Asterisk really good?
> >
> > Reliability?
> >
> > Functionality?
> >
> > Customization's?
> >
> >
> > I am coming from a Nortel world, were you pay for everything, and you
> > can't delve into the software. But it seems that customization would be
> > a great thing.
> > Like, setting up a war-dialer to customer lists, incoming/outgoing
I agree, though be carefull not trying to compare apples and pears..
Think i can provide some extra perspective, as i worked over 18 years
for a telco manufacturer...
With original telco equipment you have hardly any choice to make with
respect to reliability i mean. The differ is size and hence the costs.
You don't hace voip-pbx with a mtbf of "A" or "B".
With Asterisk its your choice. You not only may choose, not you have to
choose! Is it around=the-corner COTS-quality? Commercial-grade?
MIL-specs? fail-over? double? quad? A large farm?
Reliability has it price...
Hate to say it, but do you realy know what you/your company/your
customer or clients want and-or-need? What is your budget?
I've been in meetings with customers for more than a year to get on
paper what they realy wanted. teams of engineers can code what ever you
want. At a price. Do you want to choose from existing configurations?
Then your choise will be limited to what previous customers or sleepless
engineers may have imagined. Ofcourse, It may lack some functionaliteis,
or more likely it has some functionalities you don't want. it can be
modified surely.... You decide: Do you want to change existing
equipment, do you want to change your requirements, or do you have no
objections against new equipment having an impact your department..
With asterisk, its the same as with reliability. It's your call. You can
make it exactly how you want it, nothing less, nothing more. But:
A) know exactly what to want for now and the near future.
B) don't under estimate the time and costs
Same as with functionality. With existing equipment, accepts what a
supplier gives you or be prepared to digg deep in your wallet.
Asterisk: 100%, full stop.
management summary:
1) What ever you decide to, get your requirements on paper.
2) Determine if you can find people to do the job
3) Launch a pilot-project: get to know asterisk
4) re-examine your requirements
5) evaluate your pilot-project
6) check your budget
7) either decide or back to 3) or 4)
It's doesn't matter if its for you own home, small company or a large
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