[asterisk-users] [1.4.17] Disabled modules -> Zaptel stops picking up calls

Vincent vincent.delporte at bigfoot.com
Thu Apr 10 08:09:18 CDT 2008


I have a couple of questions about running 1.4.17 on FreeBSD 6.3:

1 .On a FreeBSD host, In modules.conf, I naively removed the following
modules that I thought I didn't need, but after stopping/restarting
Asterisk, Zaptel stops reporting calls:

noload => pbx_ael.so
noload => res_smdi.so
noload => chan_iax2.so

=> I don't use those features, so why would removing them affect

2. /usr/local/etc/rc.d/asterisk doesn't make use of the watchguard
safe_asterisk, and just launches the asterisk binary directly. Why?
Does someone have a modified copy of the script that uses
safe_asterisk instead?

Thank you.

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