[asterisk-users] question about queue

Don Pobanz dpobanz at hastingsutilities.com
Thu Apr 10 07:57:04 CDT 2008

Rilawich Ango Thursday, April 10, 2008 3:28 AM
>   I have set up a queue with 2 members (A & B).  1st call is waiting
> in the queue and a queue member A is ringing but don't take the call.
> Member A keeps ringing.  Then 2nd call is also get into the queue but
> I found that queue member B doesn't ring.  That's mean member B is
> available to take call but somehow it can't get a call in the queue.
> After that, member A takes the call of the 1st caller and 
> member B gets ring.

What version of Asterisk are you using? This is a know issue/feature
with version 1.2.x

In version 1.4.x, set autofill=yes in queues.conf and calls will fill in
as expected. 

Don Pobanz

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