[asterisk-users] FAX detection not working

Joe Acquisto joea at j4computers.com
Sat Sep 29 07:56:56 CDT 2007

I am having a problem detecting incoming FAX.  TMD22p (tdm400p 2 fxo, 2fxs)

As I understand it, I must have faxdetect = incoming to enable detection of the fax tone.
Then, I must have a [fax] context to pickup the line and send it to whatever extension the FAX device is on.

In my case, I ask it to answer immediately and do a distinctive ring (r3) to alert that is its a FAX call so no one picks up the line.

however, it seems the FAX tone is not being detected (I know it is being sent), as the normal ring tone is heard.

I must be misunderstanding  how this works.  Or does not work.

joe a.

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