[asterisk-users] [EVENT] Asterisk and VoIP in enterprise

Raphaël Bauduin profosslists at gmail.com
Tue Sep 25 03:35:07 CDT 2007


I'm sending this mail here as I think it is of interest for at least
europeans amongst you. The event presented below is not
commercially-oriented, but really of interest for professional
Asterisk users.

in two weeks (9&10 october), the event "Asterisk and VoIP in
enterprise" will take place in Brussels, Belgium.
It is organised by Profoss ( http://www.profoss.eu ) to spread
information about the possibility to use Asterisk in professional
environments, and will feature talks based on real world experience by
professionals, including Kevin P. Fleming, Asterisk's co-maintainer.
The talks will cover case studies, the integration of a proprietary
product with Asterisk, debunking Asterisk myths, how to improve
customer service with Asterisk, and more.... A round table with closed
source vendors of competing products (with amongst themCISCO and
Avaya) will also be organised so participants can get a global view of
the VoIP market. Talks won't be commercial shows!

This event is for ICT professionals: end users, consultants or
Asterisk solutions providers. We have sincerely worked hard to make
this an interesting event!

All information about this event is available at
When you register, use the code DIGIUMML, you won't regret it ;-)


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