[asterisk-users] Polycom 330 + Asterisk, phone locks up. * key will do it

telmnstr at 757.org telmnstr at 757.org
Thu Sep 20 14:31:08 CDT 2007

Hello all,

   We have an Asterisk server that has worked without issue for a while. 
Before, only Sipura and Polycom 500 series phones were used.

   Recently, we've added a few POE switches and 20 or so Polycom 330's.

   The 330's seem to lock up often. One easy way to do this is by hitting 
the * key. I looked thru the XML files for dialplan and what not, nothing 
stood out.

   I've tried the latest everyone-can-download (bootrom and 

   Thoughts? The 500 series phones (501) have no issues.

   Also, the phones log called ID information and make it easy for users to 
hit a button and call back missed calls. Except, it doesn't log a 1 in 
front of the number. I guess I could adjust the dialplan to assume 9 digit 
numbers need a 1 in front, but has anyone found a better way?

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