[asterisk-users] Direct dialing to correct extension from analog lines

Lars Bensmann lars at almosthappy.de
Thu Sep 13 12:26:08 CDT 2007

On Wed, Sep 12, 2007 at 06:40:46PM +0300, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 12, 2007 at 04:55:39PM +0200, Lars Bensmann wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I have a problem with people that are calling from analog lines.
> > 
> > We have a block of numbers 12345 - 0 to -99. 
> 00 to 99, right?

-0 is the main number which is quite common (at least in Germany).

-1 to -9 and -10 are not used as the old PBX used the first matching
extension. The first "real" extension is -11.

It seems there is no limit from the PSTN regarding the number of
extensions. I just tried -12345 and it works as well.

> > But people calling from analog lines are connected to our asterisk box
> > as soon as they finish dialing 12345. They don't get a chance to dial an
> > extension.
> That is what overlapdial is for, right?
> But you need a unidirectional overlap dial?

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I grepped the config
files earlier and it looked alright. But now I took a closer look and
overlapdial was enabled after the first two spans that are connected to
the PSTN.

Lars Bensmann

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