[asterisk-users] fax machine detection for outgoing call on DIVA card

lemmel lem__mel at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 13 04:08:36 CDT 2007

I need to detect both fax and answer machine, and it should be valuable that 
the detection will be run by the Diva card itself. So :
- I read Diva Documentation, and I found that the Diva could send some 
specific DTMF, if I had "[..] enabled [this functionnality] by the 
application for a designated controller through a manufacturer request 
command 9 [...]", but I didn't figure how to activate it ; has someone an 
idea ?
- I read my capi.conf, and found the faxdetect parameter, which "enable 
faxdetection and redirection to EXTEN fax for incoming and/or outgoing 
calls", but I didn't succeed to perform that[1] ; has someone an idea about 
it ?

[1] I altered my capi.conf file, and put the fax entension just after the 
Dial, and called a fax machine, but nothing happens. The capi log is in the 

P.S. : it is the second mail, for I forgot the attachment, and in the archive 
web page 
my mail seems to have the wrong id (as I had answer a message instead to make 
a new one) for it belongs to a thread.
-------------- next part --------------
*CLI>     -- Executing [120 at sipcontext:1] NoOp("SIP/22-08503e28", "<paul> a compose le <120> depuis le poste <22> de type < - 0>") in new stack
    -- Executing [120 at sipcontext:2] Dial("SIP/22-08503e28", "CAPI/contr2/120/b") in new stack
       > data = contr2/120/b format=8
       > parsed dialstring: 'contr2' 'NULL' '120' 'b'
       > capi request controller = 2
  == contr2#02: setting format alaw - 0x8 (alaw)
       > parsed dialstring: 'contr2' 'NULL' '120' 'b'
       > capi: peerlink -1 allocated, peer is unlinked
       > CAPI devicestate requested for contr2#02/120
  == contr2#02: Call CAPI/contr2#02/120-2 with B3  (pres=0x00, ton=0x00)
CONNECT_REQ ID=002 #0x060c LEN=0048
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x2
  CIPValue                        = 0x1
  CalledPartyNumber               = <80>120
  CallingPartyNumber              = <00 80>22
  CalledPartySubaddress           = default
  CallingPartySubaddress          = default
   B1protocol                     = 0x1
   B2protocol                     = 0x1
   B3protocol                     = 0x0
   B1configuration                = default
   B2configuration                = default
   B3configuration                = default
   GlobalConfiguration            = default
  BC                              = default
  LLC                             = default
  HLC                             = default
   BChannelinformation            = <00 00>
   Keypadfacility                 = default
   Useruserdata                   = default
   Facilitydataarray              = default
   SendingComplete                = default

    -- Called contr2/120/b
CONNECT_CONF ID=002 #0x060c LEN=0014
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x302
  Info                            = 0x0

    -- contr2#02: received CONNECT_CONF PLCI = 0x302
INFO_IND ID=002 #0x0687 LEN=0017
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x302
  InfoNumber                      = 0x1e
  InfoElement                     = <81 88>

INFO_RESP ID=002 #0x0687 LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x302

    -- contr2#02: info element PI 81 88
       > contr2#02: In-band information available
CONNECT_B3_REQ ID=002 #0x060d LEN=0013
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x302
  NCPI                            = default

    -- contr2#02: sent CONNECT_B3_REQ PLCI=0x302
    -- CAPI queue frame:[ TYPE: Control (4) SUBCLASS: Unknown control '14' (14) ] [contr2#02]
INFO_IND ID=002 #0x0688 LEN=0016
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x302
  InfoNumber                      = 0x18
  InfoElement                     = <8a>

INFO_RESP ID=002 #0x0688 LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x302

    -- contr2#02: info element CHANNEL IDENTIFICATION 8a
INFO_IND ID=002 #0x0689 LEN=0015
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x302
  InfoNumber                      = 0x800d
  InfoElement                     = default

INFO_RESP ID=002 #0x0689 LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x302

    -- contr2#02: info element SETUP ACK
CONNECT_B3_CONF ID=002 #0x060d LEN=0014
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x120302
  Info                            = 0x0

CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_IND ID=002 #0x068b LEN=0013
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x120302
  NCPI                            = default

CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_RESP ID=002 #0x068b LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x120302

    -- CAPI/contr2#02/120-2 is making progress passing it to SIP/22-08503e28
INFO_IND ID=002 #0x068c LEN=0015
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x302
  InfoNumber                      = 0x8002
  InfoElement                     = default

INFO_RESP ID=002 #0x068c LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x302

    -- contr2#02: info element CALL PROCEEDING
    -- CAPI queue frame:[ TYPE: Control (4) SUBCLASS: Unknown control '15' (15) ] [contr2#02]
    -- CAPI/contr2#02/120-2 is proceeding passing it to SIP/22-08503e28
INFO_IND ID=002 #0x069b LEN=0015
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x302
  InfoNumber                      = 0x8001
  InfoElement                     = default

INFO_RESP ID=002 #0x069b LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x302

    -- contr2#02: info element ALERTING
    -- CAPI queue frame:[ TYPE: Control (4) SUBCLASS: Ringing (3) ] [contr2#02]
    -- CAPI/contr2#02/120-2 is ringing
       > CAPI devicestate requested for contr2#02/120
INFO_IND ID=002 #0x06a3 LEN=0020
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x302
  InfoNumber                      = 0x29
  InfoElement                     = <07 09 0c 0e 12>

INFO_RESP ID=002 #0x06a3 LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x302

    -- contr2#02: info element Date/Time 07/09/12 14:18
INFO_IND ID=002 #0x06a4 LEN=0015
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x302
  InfoNumber                      = 0x8007
  InfoElement                     = default

INFO_RESP ID=002 #0x06a4 LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x302

    -- contr2#02: info element CONNECT
CONNECT_ACTIVE_IND ID=002 #0x06a6 LEN=0020
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x302
  ConnectedNumber                 = <00 83>120
  ConnectedSubaddress             = default
  LLC                             = default

  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x302

    -- CAPI queue frame:[ TYPE: Control (4) SUBCLASS: Answer (4) ] [contr2#02]
    -- CAPI/contr2#02/120-2 answered SIP/22-08503e28
       > CAPI devicestate requested for contr2#02/120
  == contr2#02: CAPI Hangingup for PLCI=0x302 in state 2
    -- contr2#02: activehangingup (cause=16) for PLCI=0x302
DISCONNECT_B3_REQ ID=002 #0x0886 LEN=0013
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x120302
  NCPI                            = default

  == Spawn extension (sipcontext, 120, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/22-08503e28'
       > CAPI devicestate requested for contr2#02/120
       > CAPI devicestate requested for contr2#02/120
DISCONNECT_B3_CONF ID=002 #0x0886 LEN=0014
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x120302
  Info                            = 0x0

DISCONNECT_B3_IND ID=002 #0x094a LEN=0015
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x120302
  Reason_B3                       = 0x0
  NCPI                            = default

DISCONNECT_B3_RESP ID=002 #0x094a LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x120302

DISCONNECT_REQ ID=002 #0x0887 LEN=0013
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x302
  AdditionalInfo                  = default

DISCONNECT_CONF ID=002 #0x0887 LEN=0014
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x302
  Info                            = 0x0

INFO_IND ID=002 #0x094b LEN=0037
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x302
  InfoNumber                      = 0x1c
  InfoElement                     = <91 a1 13 02 02 02 a9 02 01 22>0<0a a1 05>0<03 02 01 00 82 01 01>

INFO_RESP ID=002 #0x094b LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x302

    -- contr2#02: info element FACILITY
INFO_IND ID=002 #0x094c LEN=0017
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x302
  InfoNumber                      = 0x8
  InfoElement                     = <80 90>

INFO_RESP ID=002 #0x094c LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x302

    -- contr2#02: info element CAUSE 80 90
INFO_IND ID=002 #0x094d LEN=0015
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x302
  InfoNumber                      = 0x804d
  InfoElement                     = default

INFO_RESP ID=002 #0x094d LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x302

    -- contr2#02: info element RELEASE
DISCONNECT_IND ID=002 #0x094f LEN=0014
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x302
  Reason                          = 0x3490

DISCONNECT_RESP ID=002 #0x094f LEN=0012
  Controller/PLCI/NCCI            = 0x302

       > contr2#02: CAPI INFO 0x3490: Normal call clearing
  == contr2#02: Interface cleanup PLCI=0x302

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