[asterisk-users] Multitenant or Multiple virtual machines

Benny Amorsen benny+usenet at amorsen.dk
Fri Sep 7 07:13:37 CDT 2007

>>>>> "CB" == Chris Bagnall <lists at minotaur.cc> writes:

CB> We have a few FreePBX setups running in virtual machines in
CB> environments where the client wants their "own" PBX (and web
CB> interface to play with) without wanting to pay full whack for the
CB> server plus hosting, etc. However, we haven't scaled it beyond 3
CB> or 4 VMs per machine - certainly not up to the 10 or 20 VMs you'd
CB> be looking at for what you're trying to do.

You can easily do 10 or 20 with linux-vserver or OpenVZ. Even more so
if you unify the disk space, so the asterisk binary only takes up
space in memory once. We haven't found a good way to administer
linux-vserver instances with unified disk, so we don't use that

It is important to ensure that all vservers regularly get a stab at
the CPU. Otherwise you'll get jitter when you pass media through
asterisk. Transcoding can be an issue too, once you get larger call


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