[asterisk-users] DS3 Interface

Steve Totaro stotaro at totarotechnologies.com
Tue Oct 9 10:55:50 CDT 2007

Andrew Kohlsmith wrote:
> On Tuesday 09 October 2007 10:14:23 Matt wrote:
>> Before you put any work into this... ask yourself... what exactly are you
>> hoping to accomplish?   There is no way one system can handle a DS3s worth
>> of traffic... therefore, what good would this do?
> Whatever gave you the notion that a modern PC can't handle 672 simultaneous 
> calls?
> -A.

A single core HPDL320 with core solo 3ghz would hit 60%-70% (which I 
felt comfortable with but did not want to go over) CPU in top 
terminating four PRIs with all channels in use.  The box did nothing but 
take the voice PRI and put on the LAN as ulaw, so no transcoding.

You would need a very beefy server, thats for sure.  I the board had no 
onboard processing or DSPs, you would probably need something 7x more 
powerful than I listed above.


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