[asterisk-users] Fw: Remove a TDM Card

Sasa sasa at shoponweb.it
Wed Nov 28 09:59:22 CST 2007

Hi, sorry but perhaps I don't have explained clearly my problem...now I have 
a box voip that must be replace with another box voip but I want to do test 
before remove the old voip from production.

The box voip (named 1) that now is in production have three card, two isdn 
card and TDM2400P that I want remove for to install in the new box voip 
(named 2).

On the box voip 1 I have:

Asterisk version 1.2.13
The kernel version is:

..but on the box voip 2 I have the new asterisk version and kernel.

On box voip 1 I have:


..in zapata.conf I have:
;Linee ISDN
signalling = bri_net
group = 1
channel => 25-26
group = 2
channel => 28-29

;Linee tdm
group = 3
channel => 1-5

..and always on box voip 1:

root at voip:~# lsmod
Module                  Size                     Used by
zaphfc                  16796                    6
wctdm24xxp        63552                    5
zaptel                   192132                 26     zaphfc,wctdm24xxp

..in /etc/rc.d/rc.modules:

..my problem is how remove TDM Card from voip box 1 without stop this box 
voip, if I remove in correctly mode the TDM Card I can configure this card 
on new voip box 2 and to do test before of put new box voip in production in 
replacement the box voip 1.

The stesp that I think correctly for remove TDM Card:

- remove line configuration about tdm card in zapata.conf and zaptel.conf
- remove in  rc.modules and rc.modules- line:
/sbin/modprobe wctdm24xxp && /sbin/ztcfg -vvvvvv
- rmmod wctdm24xxp
- halt
- remove physically card tdm from pc (box voip 1)
- restart box voip 1

..this procedure is ok ?
Thanks !



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jon Pounder" <JonP at inline.net>
To: <asterisk-users at lists.digium.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 3:53 PM
Subject: Re: [asterisk-users] Fw: Remove a TDM Card

> Quoting Tony Plack <Tony at plack.net>:
>>> Hi, sorry for my insistence but this is a big problem for me..my
>>> steps for remove card are ok ? Thanks.
> its not much help but I have found in general asterisk is not too
> graceful about zap numbering and even starting when the cards in place
> don't match the configuration.
> yeah the config is wrong but sometimes there are legitimate reasons
> for that like taking a card out for 5min to try something you should
> be able to still boot the remaining system without it, or add the
> configs before putting the card in. Bigger issue is getting around the
> renumbering of channels when you remove hardware at the "bottom"
>>> ------
>>> Salvatore.
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Sasa" <sasa at shoponweb.it>
>>> To: <asterisk-users at lists.digium.com>
>>> Sent: Monday, November 26, 2007 4:25 PM
>>> Subject: [asterisk-users] Remove a TDM Card
>>>> Hi, I would like remove a Digium TDM2400P from Asterisk (version
>>>> 1.2.13) box
>>>> but when I remove card from the PC after reboot Asterisk not
>>>> started correctly. On box now with TDM Card I have:
>>>> root at voip:~# lsmod
>>>> Module                  Size                     Used by zaphfc
>>>>               16796                    6 wctdm24xxp        63552
>>>>                   5
>>>> zaptel                   192132                 26
>>>> zaphfc,wctdm24xxp
>>>> The kernel version is:
>>>> ..then I have in /etc/rc.d/rc.modules:
>>>> rc.modules
>>>> rc.modules-
>>>> ..both files are identical:
>>>> #!/bin/sh
>>>> /sbin/modprobe zaptel
>>>> /sbin/modprobe zaphfc modes=3 && /sbin/ztcfg -vvvvvv
>>>> /sbin/modprobe wctdm24xxp && /sbin/ztcfg -vvvvvv
>>>> ..in zapata.conf I have:
>>>> signalling=fxs_ls
>>>> group = 3
>>>> channel => 1-5
>>>> ..and in zaptel.conf I have:
>>>> fxsls=1-24
>>>> ..now my dobious is about correct steps for remove TDM Card from
>>>> PC, I think that:
>>>> - remove line configuration in zapata.conf and zaptel.conf -
>>>> remove in  rc.modules and rc.modules- line:
>>>> /sbin/modprobe wctdm24xxp && /sbin/ztcfg -vvvvvv - rmmod
>>>> wctdm24xxp - reboot
>>>> ..this procedure is ok ?
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> ------
>>>> Salvatore.
>> 1.2.13 has some exploits and you should consider running something
>> newer.  1.2 branch has no official support.
>> However...
>> You should make sure to load ztdummy in place of your tdm card.  If
>> I remember correctly 1.2 requires a timing source.
>> modules- is for an old kernel and shouldn't apply to the
>> current
>> Normally the TDM card provides this 1000Hz timing source when
>> available, but ztdummy can mimic this timing from the kernel clock
>> source.
>> ztdummy may (or may not) have issues with your kernel version as a
>> timing source.  I believe kernel 2.6.21 or better solved a few
>> problems with clock sources.
>> Other than that, your steps are fine.
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> Jon Pounder
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