[asterisk-users] Asterisk version survey

randulo spamsucks2005 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 27 13:48:58 CST 2007

On Nov 27, 2007 8:17 PM, Steve Totaro <stotaro at mail.schoffstall.com> wrote:
> Results should be withheld until the end of the specified polling period.

Ghaaaaaaaa!  Ok, I'll take 'em off.

We can give this a few days then , and when things stop, I'll publish.
Open to suggestions.

As far as the open source project mentioned earlier, you have to
register for it and I don't feel like installing something like this
on a server since it hasn't been touched in two years and is not
useful to me or myy customers. Wufoo, the original software used, is
really excellent. Too bad they insist on being paid for such good work
:) I will use them for a paying customer who needs this service.

I'll report the findings this Friday on the conference as well, obviously.


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