[asterisk-users] Asterisk behind a PIX firewall?

Steve Totaro stotaro at totarotechnologies.com
Tue Nov 27 11:39:04 CST 2007

Matt wrote:
>     This is good to hear.  Now I know it can be done this way, although I
>     still prefer OpenVPN for it's security and ability to let you do other
>     things such as AMI or whatever.
>     It is kind of hard to portscan 5060 when it is not open.  I bet I could
>     do a portscan on 5060 and of those hits try username 100 password 100
>     all the way up to 9999 and eventually get some toll fraud access in a
>     day's time.
> GADS!  I hope not!  We are using fairly complex passwords :)

No, then you are good, but I would bet my life that there are a good 
many systems that use the extension for both password and username and 
can be accessed from the net.


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