[asterisk-users] asterisk as non-root/best practices
Robert McNaught
robert.mcnaught at gmail.com
Mon Nov 19 10:51:21 CST 2007
I have set up asterisk to run as non root, and allow admin users to log
in to the server as asterisk, which gives them privileges to edit
configs in the asterisk home directory.
As for connecting to the console with 'asterisk -r' - this by default
does not work as asterisk is owned stored in /usr/sbin/asterisk
I am reading that the best way to solve this is to use 'visudo' - I
added this:-
asterisk ALL=/usr/sbin/asterisk -r NOPASSWD: ALL
asterisk ALL=/usr/sbin/safe_asterisk NOPASSWD: ALL
Keep getting 'command not found' when logging in as 'asterisk' and
trying to connect to the console
when I do a 'sudo -l' as user asterisk - I get this
user asterisk may run the following commands on this host:
but still get command not found when trying to connect to the console -
even after using 'sudo asterisk -r'
If I use 'whereis asterisk' as user asterisk, I get:
asterisk: /usr/sbin/asterisk /usr/sbin/asterisk.orig /usr/lib/asterisk /usr/include/asterisk /usr/include/asterisk.h /usr/share/man/man8/asterisk.8
Suggesting that it can see it
Does anyone have any advice on what the best practice on this would be?
and allowing the user asterisk to connect to the console?
Robert McNaught
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