[asterisk-users] Cisco IP Communicator with Asterisk

Anciso, Roy roy at manistee.org
Thu Nov 8 13:37:55 CST 2007

I'm not sure if anyone has done this before or not but, I was able get
the Cisco IP Communicator soft phone to work with Asterisk using SIP.
Thought I would share my experiences. The key is on the installation. To
have the software use the SIP protocol type the following command:
"msiexec /i CiscoIPCommunicatorSetup.msi /qb SIP=1".  After installation
configuration is just like configuring a Cisco 7970 hard phone. I used
the configuration instructions outlined by Kerry Garrison at Asterisk
Tutorials http://www.asterisktutorials.com/showproduct.php?ProductID=10.



Roy Anciso 

Director of Technology

Manistee Intermediate School District

1710 Merkey Road

Manistee, MI 49660

Ph: 231-723-4264

Fx: 231-723-1690

roy at manistee.org


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