[asterisk-users] What do you do to keep asterisk alive?

Chris Bagnall lists at minotaur.cc
Wed Nov 7 09:20:49 CST 2007

> Well, if asterisk decides to die, I want to restart it.  A bad module
> would be spotted prior to going into production.

We tend to find that on the rare occasions asterisk does decide to die, it very often doesn't die completely. The asterisk process is still running, but running asterisk -r to get the console give the heading banner, but doesn't actually come up with a CLI prompt.

Obviously, for a scenario like this, simply starting asterisk isn't going to solve the problem and the only real way around it is to do the sort of monitoring you want to avoid (send a junk SIP packet and make sure a sensible response comes back).


C.M. Bagnall, Director, Minotaur I.T. Limited
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