[asterisk-users] Problem with Remote-Hold/MusicOnHold

Gunnar Schaller linux at nowin.de
Thu Jun 21 02:10:28 CDT 2007

I have a problem with MoH at attended transfers.
- Mobile A dials into Asterisk
- Asterisk dials another Mobile B
- Mobile B presses *1 for attended transfer and for example 20
  to dial extension 20
- Asterisk sends "Remote hold" message to Mobile A, so the carrier
  of Mobile A starts playing it's own music-on-hold
- Mobile B hang up, so Mobile A should be connected to extension 20.
  But Asterisk doesn't send "Remote retrieve", so the mosic-on-hold of
  the carrier doesn't stop. You can hear the person on Mobile A, but
  the person on Mobile A only gets music. 

Anybody with the same issue? It happens on a bristuffed Asterisk
1.2.19. Is there a way to stop sending "Remote hold" or a way to send
"Remote retrieve"?

See here the the cli output with "pri debug span 4" at starting
attended transfer:

4 > Protocol Discriminator: Q.931 (8)  len=7
4 > Call Ref: len= 1 (reference 214/0xD6) (Terminator)
4 > Message type: NOTIFY (110)
4 > [27 01 f9]
4 > Notification indicator (len= 3): Ext: 1  Remote hold (121)
    -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on channel 'Zap/10-1'
    -- Playing 'pbx-transfer' (language 'de')

Best regards,
 Gunnar Schaller

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