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Thu Jul 12 09:23:04 CDT 2007

arriving in the morning, then you could ask them to type a PIN code in the
first time they are outcalling someone.


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Hi,<br><br>I think most of what you&#39;re looking for relates to &quot;do you consider sip.conf to describe users or resources&quot; ?<br><br>If it describes resources, how do you manage other IT resources (PC, printers, ...) ? Do you store devices passwords (BIOS passwords with Serial numbers, ...) in an LDAP database ?
<br><br>If it describes users, then obviously you would like to use the same tools as for other IT applications with LDAP databases and so on.<br><br>From my point of view, a good comparison would be to treat IP phones just like PCs : if you ask user to type a password to gain network access when arriving in the morning, then you could ask them to type a PIN code in the first time they are outcalling someone.


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