[asterisk-users] Unicall/Dont know how to handle Accepted

Victor Toofic toofics at gmail.com
Mon Jul 30 11:12:02 CDT 2007

El Sun, Jul 29 de 2007 a las 20:04 +0800, Steve Underwood comentaba:
> What versions of software did you use to get a screwed up result like 
> that? The message "Don't know how to handle signalling event Accepted" 
> is printed at the end of a case statement which does handle that event. 
> I the publicly available versions of unicall, and can't see how that 
> could go wrong, even if you mix components from different versions.

Now I can see what was my mistake. I was using the libraries:


but there's no chan_unicall.c in there, so I took it from:


and miss-patched the call events enum in unicall.h. I was using that
mixture because I got some errors trying to compile unicall-0.0.3pre11.

Now I solved the compile issue in unicall-0.0.3pre11 and Im using that,
I can't still get it to work but I think it's a miss-configuration in some
of the endpoints. I'll keep trying.


Víctor Toofic

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