[asterisk-users] TE212 or TE220

Jared Smith jsmith at digium.com
Mon Jul 30 08:31:07 CDT 2007

On Mon, 2007-07-30 at 02:40 -0700, fateme fatah wrote:
> I want to have conference call with asterisknow and need 2 ports
> E1.Which Digium card is better?TE212 or TE220.I haven't problem with
> motherboard.

There are two major differences between the TE212P and the TE220 cards.
The first is the connector.  The TE212P card will only fit in a 3.3 volt
PCI slot, while the TE220 is designed for a PCI Express slot.

The second major difference between the cards is echo cancellation.  The
TE212P comes with an echo cancellation module installed, while the TE220
card comes without one.  (You can always add a VPMOCT064 module to it,
but it doesn't come bundled with the card.)

Jared Smith
Community Relations Manager
Digium, Inc.

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