[asterisk-users] Upgrade Procedure

Noah Miller noahisaacmiller at gmail.com
Mon Jul 23 14:53:06 CDT 2007

> >> You have to first uninstall your Asterisk1.2 like this--
> >>
> >> First you have to stop your asterisk...using--
> >>
> >> 1. killall -9 asterisk or killall -9 safe_asterisk, whichever you are using.
> >
> > In my experience, you don't need to do this step.  In fact, you can
> > keep the old asterisk running, compile and install asterisk 1.4 on top
> > of it.  Then issue a "restart when convenient" command from the
> > asterisk 1.2 prompt, and Asterisk 1.4 will come up after the restart.
> The problem with this is that the upgraded Zaptel will not be active.
> Compile and install Zaptel, LibPRI and Asterisk (in the order), then
> stop asterisk, unload the zaptel drivers, then load everything.

I've found that you don't really need to do a full stop of asterisk
either.  Just compile and install both zaptel and asterisk.  Issue the
"restart when convenient", and after asterisk restarts, then restart
zaptel (unload old version and load new version).

- Noah

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