[asterisk-users] Debian etch and web voice mail - how to configure it?

Jim Archer jim at archer.net
Mon Jul 23 00:18:53 CDT 2007

--On Monday, July 23, 2007 7:40 AM +0300 Tzafrir Cohen 
<tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com> wrote:

>> That got the script to work.  When I try to log in though, I get an odd
>> error:
>> Bleh, no /etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf at
>> /usr/lib/cgi-bin/asterisk/vmail.cgi line 152.
> It cannot read that file, or it cannot read /etc/asterisk .
> I can't think of a solution for this I really like. Basically add the
> web server to the group asterisk or any other permissions games.

I had to set the /etc/asterisk directory to a+x.  There are a variety of 
other permission issues, which I'll work through.  Thanks again for your 



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