[asterisk-users] Force asterisk to re-resolve dns names?

Remco Barendse asterisk at barendse.to
Thu Jul 19 02:44:38 CDT 2007

Is there really no way to have asterisk re-resolve domain names from iax 
or sip providers if this failed or timed out the first time?

When asterisk boots on every box i have asterisk is toooo impatient 
trrying to resolve the domain names for a first time. This results in 
asterisk thinking the provider is unreachable and only trying again in one 
week or so.

This results (depending on the dial plan) on either not being able to make 
calls or to see all calls flow out via (extremely expensive) PSTN.

This 'feature' of asterisk really pisses me off, why can't it just 
re-resolve the few host names again within a reasonable amount of time???

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