[asterisk-users] E1 Virtual Callcenter

Massimiliano Stucchi stucchi at willystudios.com
Wed Jul 18 07:20:21 CDT 2007

On 18/lug/07, at 12:31, Etienne Pretorius wrote:

> Hello List,
> I just have a query.... is it possible to have 2 or more telephone  
> number mapped to the same E1 line and if so will the TE120P card  
> pick up the last 4 digits of each number - as it is currently doing  
> for the one?



Massimiliano Stucchi, CTO & Director of Operations
WillyStudios.com - IT Consulting, Web and VoIP Services
stucchi at willystudios.com | Tel (+39) 0244417203 | Fax (+39) 0244417204
I-20040, Carnate (Milano), via Carducci 9

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