[asterisk-users] Polycom multiple registrations

Noah Miller noahisaacmiller at gmail.com
Mon Jul 9 14:14:43 CDT 2007

> The 430's have two line appearances. I'm trying to get the second line
> registered to a different extension but for some reason it's not
> allowing me to do this. The first line will register fine but the second
> line never seems to register no matter how I swap the device ID's and
> permissions around. I've played with the lineKeys and callsperlinekey
> settings to no avail.

For what you want to do, you'll have to set lineKeys to 1 for both of
your registrations.  callsPerLineKey can be anything from 1 to up to
(I think) 6, your preference.

Can you share the <reg ... /> statement from your phone.cfg file?
Also your sip.conf?

- Noah

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