[asterisk-users] Need Advice/Suggestion

Paul Hales pdhales at optusnet.com.au
Sat Jul 7 09:14:02 CDT 2007

You can use asterisk db functions to set an afterhours flag, and then
use the dialplan to check if the flag is set or not.

One of the techs in our office does stuff like that all the time for


On Tue, 2007-07-03 at 17:00 +1000, Farooq Ahmed wrote:
> Hi all,
> As we know we can configure in astersik like before 5:00pm calls go to reception and after 5:00 
> pm calls go to some mobile no. One of my client requested that he wants to manually shift the dial 
> plan  like above as he has flexiable timing sometime he finishes at 3:00pm some time 8pm. I can 
> not give him freepbx  access.
> Any idea or solution.
> Regards
> Farooq

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