[asterisk-users] the-asterisk-book.com online (unstable version)

Stefan Wintermeyer stefan.wintermeyer at amooma.de
Sun Jul 1 05:04:09 CDT 2007


this is to inform everybody that the translation of my new book  
(unstable version) is online at http://www.the-asterisk-book.com

The book is a GNU FDL project. So everybody who wants to participate  
is welcome to do so. Also, everybody who needs material for his own  
work, feel free to take it as long as the new material will become  
GNU FDL too.

I am glad that Stephen Bosch (who you might know from this  
mailinglist) agreed to translate the beast. My German book has some  
630 pages so that is quite a task and is going to take some more time.

Of course it is not just a translation. It will contain many new  
stuff and you'll be able to follow the process on the webpage. The  
title is "Practical Asterisk 1.4" and that is what I want to achieve.  
I am looking forward to receive your feedback. Now is the time for  
feedback and good ideas!

Please contact me by PM. Right now I am heading to Canada to work  
with Stephen on this project. So give me some time for answering your  
e-mails. Being online while traveling is still a hassle.


amooma GmbH - Bachstr. 126 - 56566 Neuwied - http://www.amooma.de
     Let's use IT to solve problems and not to create new ones.
           Asterisk? -> http://www.das-asterisk-buch.de

Geschäftsführer: Stefan Wintermeyer
Handelsregister: Neuwied B 14998

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