[asterisk-users] AGI - Getting the passed parameters

Mike D'Ambrogia miked at jamagination.com
Wed Jan 10 22:11:11 MST 2007

Need to figure out how to grab the passed variable in my php AGI script

I pass it in via the Dialplan like this:

exten => 420,1,Answer
exten => 420,n,DigitTimeout(5)
exten => 420,n,ResponseTimeout(10)
exten => 420,n,Flite("enter the one digit code")
exten => 420,n,Read(CODE,beep,1)
exten => 420,n,AGI(yy.php|${CODE})

Inside of yy.php how would I reference ${CODE} to expose it??  It
doesn't seem to come in with the standard variables that asterisk passes
to the AGI, at least the debugging loop that I have writing to log file
doesn't expose it as part of the std variables


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