[asterisk-users] Hint and call-limit issue

Nick Adams gmane at narkov.com
Sat Jan 6 01:50:19 MST 2007


I have a Sipura SPA-3000 connected to my PSTN line and forwarding calls 
to my Asterisk box. It is a SIP peer "pstn-spa3k". I have setup 
"call-limit=1" in the peer config.

When a call comes into Asterisk I get the correct "inuse" values but the 
hint isn't updated:

sprite*CLI> sip show inuse
* User name               In use          Limit
* Peer name               In use          Limit
pstn-spa3k                1               1

sprite*CLI> show hints
     -= Registered Asterisk Dial Plan Hints =-
    205                 : SIP/pstn-spa3k        State:Unavailable 
Watchers  1

When I call OUT (Asterisk -> pstn-spa3k) the hint works as expected. 
It's just that incoming calls from the spa to Asterisk don't update the 

Any ideas?



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