[asterisk-users] Convert a file from WAV to WAV49 or GSM for Asterisk

Noah Miller noahisaacmiller at gmail.com
Thu Jan 4 11:03:42 MST 2007

Hi Chris -

> I would like to convert a file to WAV49 for use with Asterisk using
> the linux command line. Specifically I would like to upload sounds to
> use for unavail.wav and busy.wav, but I'd like them to be compressed
> so that space is not wasted.
> I tried using SOX but havent found the correct command-line options to
> make it or Asterisk happy.

You can just use gsm format.  It uses the same encoding as wav49.
Here's page on the wiki about using sox, in general:


BTW: I'm a little curious about what application would require you to
conserve disk space that much, but not worry about conserving CPU for
transcoding sound files.

- Noah

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