[asterisk-users] Voice mail is not giving unavailable or busy prompts

Stephen Bosch posting at vodacomm.ca
Tue Feb 27 18:34:51 MST 2007


This should be easy. I'm running 1.2.15.

When a caller calls someone's voice mail, it goes straight to a beep,
even though there is an unavail.wav file in that user's voice mail

Here is the relevant part of extensions.conf:

exten => 2211,1,Dial(SIP/211,10)
exten => 2211,2,VoiceMail(u211 at default)
exten => 2211,3,Hangup

Here is the relevant part of voicemail.conf:

211 => 5555,Mr Test,test at internal.com

Here's what I see in the console:

>    -- Executing Dial("SIP/210-081990b0", "SIP/211|10") in new stack
>     -- Called 211
>     -- SIP/211-0819e5f0 is ringing
>     -- Nobody picked up in 10000 ms
>     -- Executing VoiceMail("SIP/210-081990b0", "u211 at default") in new stack
>     -- Playing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/211/unavail' (language 'en')
>     -- Playing 'vm-intro' (language 'en')
>     -- Playing 'beep' (language 'en')
>     -- Recording the message
>     -- x=0, open writing:  /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/211/tmp/EWtUPC format: wav, 0x81a3c98
>     -- User ended message by pressing #
>     -- Playing 'auth-thankyou' (language 'en')
>     -- Executing Hangup("SIP/210-081990b0", "") in new stack
>   == Spawn extension (internal, 2211, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/210-081990b0'

This is what is actually in /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/211:

> asterisk1 211 # ls -liah
> total 108K
> 4918844 drwx------ 7 root root 4.0K Feb 27 17:59 .
> 4898961 drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4.0K Feb 27 17:05 ..
> 4918846 drwx------ 2 root root 4.0K Feb 27 18:32 INBOX
> 4918850 drwx------ 2 root root 4.0K Feb 27 17:12 Old
> 4918849 -rwx------ 1 root root  56K Feb 27 17:10 busy.wav
> 4918845 drwx------ 2 root root 4.0K Feb 27 17:05 temp
> 4918847 drwx------ 2 root root 4.0K Feb 27 18:32 tmp
> 4931585 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Feb 27 17:59 unavail
> 4918848 -rwx------ 1 root root  20K Feb 27 17:13 unavail.wav

Asterisk creates that "unavail" directory after the first time someone
tries to call in.



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