AW: [asterisk-users] ReceiveText()?

Philipp Kempgen philipp.kempgen at
Sun Feb 25 22:59:46 MST 2007

Yuan LIU wrote:
>> From: Michael Welter <mike at>
>> Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2007 08:53:09 -0700
>> What is the mechanism used to SEND TEXT over a Zap channel?  Is it FSK?
> "show AGI send text" indicates that it does so in channels that supports 
> text.  "show agi receive text" indicates that most channels do not support 
> text.  I take it that Zap channel doesn't.

This is the CLI help text:
  -= Info about application 'SendText' =-

Send a Text Message

  SendText(text[|options]): Sends text to current channel (callee).
Result of transmission will be stored in the SENDTEXTSTATUS
channel variable:
      SUCCESS      Transmission succeeded
      FAILURE      Transmission failed
      UNSUPPORTED  Text transmission not supported by channel

At this moment, text is supposed to be 7 bit ASCII in most channels.
The option string many contain the following character:
'j' -- jump to n+101 priority if the channel doesn't support
       text transport

So you might just try and see what SENDTEXTSTATUS you get.


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