[asterisk-users] dial a pager and enter DTMF

Yuan LIU yliu11 at hotmail.com
Sat Feb 24 23:08:05 MST 2007

>From: Supa <thezerogroup at gmail.com>
>Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2007 10:05:06 -0500
>Probably just a simple syntax issue, but does anyone know how to dial a
>number and the once phone has been answered, play DTMF tones and then
>disconnect. I am trying to use this for page notification.
>Ive been trying the following string with out luck:
>exten => s,2,Dial(SIP/TelaSip-gw4/5198881212|D(12345678)

Indeed simply syntax issueS.  First, the above is missing a right 
parenthesis as others pointed out.  Second, you need to leave a blank 
timeout field if you don't use timeout.  Third, check the syntax to call 
TelaSip-gw4; some providers use 5198881212 at TelaSip-gw4 to specify number 
5198881212. So



Dial(SIP/5198881212 at TelaSip-gw4,,D(12345678))

I did a little test and D() tag sent DTMF correctly so it's the right tool 
for you.  Hope this helps.

Yuan Liu

>Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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