[asterisk-users] Re: How to separate outgoing extens from the contexts from sip.conf?

Larry Alkoff labradley at mindspring.com
Wed Feb 21 18:20:30 MST 2007

Eric "ManxPower" Wieling wrote:
> Larry Alkoff wrote:
>> Hello Eric.
>> I don't fully understand your example.
>> I _think_ you have in extensions.conf:
>> [incoming]
>> include => extensions
>> [extensions]
>> exten => 667
>> more exten here
>> [toll-trunks]
>> exten => 91NXXNXXXXXX
>> more exten here
>> [toll-access]
>> include => extensions
>> include => toll-trunks
>> My understanding of 'include' is it's as if the 'include'
>> were typed line by line into the context.
>> Since both extensions and toll-trunks are mixed together in 
>> [toll-access], doesn't that give anyone who gains access to extensions
>> in [incoming] also access to toll-trunks?  How does anyone on the 
>> inside gain access to [toll-access]?
>> Also I don't understand the 'doubling' of [extensions] by including it
>> in another context.
>> I'm probably missing something here.  Can you help me understand this 
>> better?
> No.  Any device in the [incoming] context will only have access to 
> anything in the [incoming] and [extensions] context.  i.e. it will not 
> have access to any exten => lines that allow dialing out of the system. 
>  include => is only "one-way"

I have a feeling that the answer is contained in your words but still 
don't quite get it.

Let me ask this:  How do inside devices get access to [toll-access]?  I 
would like my inside devices to have access to everything unless I 
specifically deny access.


Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX
Using Thunderbird on Linux

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