[asterisk-users] E911 SIP or IAX providers?

Dan Burwinkel dan at cincymail.net
Wed Feb 14 15:39:47 MST 2007

Vitelity determines the servers they think are best for your location. 
At the 4 locations I have, I use;


They don't have any kind of free trial that I know of.

I want to be clear on what I like about Vitelity-- it's the E911 and 
Outbound Calling or "Termination." Quality on inbound calls or 
"Origination" is just acceptable, it may be better for you, but don't 
jump on my recommendation. I use Les.net for Origination.

> Dan,
> Do you know if vitelity has a echo test or any lines I can call for a
> quality test?  Do you have their servers address so I can check my
> connection to there?  If they've got a good connection and the E911
> works I may have to sign up!

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