[asterisk-users] problem with safe_asterisk

Earle Clubb eclubb at valcom.com
Wed Feb 14 12:16:37 MST 2007

Gordon Henderson wrote:
> On Tue, 13 Feb 2007, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 13, 2007 at 01:35:50PM +0100, Andrea De Vita wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have installed some Asterisk machine, all with the same problem.
>>> My typical configuration is:
>>> - Asterisk 1.2.14 (or 1.4.0beta3)
>>> - CentOS 4.4 server.
>>> The problem is this:
>>> When I start Asterisk with the default init script 
>>> (/etc/init.d/asterisk
>>> start) distributed with the source, and kill (or kill -9) Asterisk-pid,
>>> then safe_asterisk doesn't correctly work (it dies and not restart
>>> Asterisk).
>>> Instead, if I start Asterisk with safe_asterisk command from shell,
>>> after "kill Asterisk-pid", safe_asterisk restart Asterisk correctly.
>>> I would use the init script because I like to use Linux-HA that require
>>> this.
>> Edit that init.d script lightly not to use safe_asterisk.
>> safe_asterisk is not close to robust anyway, and thus will only
>> complicate things.
> Seconded. Have a look at this:
> http://www.drogon.net/init.d.asterisk

What is the point of reloading extensions after starting asterisk in the 
start section of your case statement?


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