[asterisk-users] Re: Comments on Billing reconcillation with providers

Tomislav Parčina tparcina at lama.hr
Thu Feb 8 02:15:58 MST 2007

In article <45BF54CC.8070308 at ecntelecoms.com>, yusuf at ecntelecoms.com says...
> Hi,
> I just want out find out how to do bill recon's when you send calls to a provider.  They send me 
> their CDR's, and when I compare it to my * CDR's, some calls are 1 second off, either way.
> How in general is it done by others?

Most providers send advice of charge messages (AOC). Unfortunately, asterisk can't store them in database or manipulate with them at any way.

Tomislav Parcina
ime.prezime at email.t-com.hr

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