[asterisk-users] Performance Issues Degradation After 6 Calls

Gordon Henderson gordon+asterisk at drogon.net
Fri Dec 28 16:30:39 CST 2007

On Fri, 28 Dec 2007, Steve Totaro wrote:

> broadband Voice wrote:
>> On 12/27/07, *broadband Voice* <broadbandvoice at gmail.com
>> <mailto:broadbandvoice at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>     I am using Asterisk and A2billing Calling Card Platform and after
>>     the 6th call the quality starts to degrade. The way it set up is
>>     the user calls into the system then dial out so I have 12 channels
>>     being used up but 6 active calls. Here are my specs Asterisk
>>     SVN-branch-1.4-r79142 on a i686 running Linux Fedora 6, Pentium 4
>>     Hyper-Threading, 64 bit, 1GB of RAM, 80 GB Sata Drive, bandwidth 4
>>     Mbps (1300GB/Throughput) burstable to 100Mbps.
>>     I am planning on upgrading to Intel Core 2 Duo with a clock speed
>>     of 1.8GHZ and 2GB Ram. Does anyone have similar situation or
>>     advice? Thanks.
> Your system should be able to handle that volume easily.
> What are you using for PSTN connectivity?
> I have heard of people having issues with Hyperthreading.  That could be
> a problem, although I have never had any issues myself.
> What does top look like?
> When I had a similar issue (voice quality while running monitor on over
> seventy calls) I found a small Linux CLI app, I cannot remember the name
> of it but it would give IO stats (I think it may be named IOStat or
> something similar) and I could see right where the bottleneck was
> (obviously disc IO but I was able to see exactly where the breaking
> point was).  That may help identify something.


   vmstat 1

IIRC, iostat is a *BSD type utility, but it's been many years since I 
touched BSD!

It is possible to graph disk IO as well as network packet IO if required 
using (eg) MRTG.


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