[asterisk-users] Upgrade to Asterisk 1.4 - it's one year's old!

Tilghman Lesher tilghman at mail.jeffandtilghman.com
Sat Dec 15 17:54:17 CST 2007

On Saturday 15 December 2007 13:50:35 Ira wrote:
> A perfect example is the new dial plan function array(),
> it has nothing to do with arrays, doesn't accomplish anything useful
> that couldn't have been done by allowing commas in set(), or calling
> it setmany(), and means if real arrays ever get added to the language
> we have to come up with new function names while the obvious one has
> already been taken to mean something not related.

I'm curious to hear how you would have approached the problem of
retrieving multiple columns out of a database and setting each column
to its own variable.  That is precisely what ARRAY() is designed to
accomplish, and it CANNOT be done by letting Set have multiple key/value


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