[asterisk-users] Asterisk 1.2.18 and Polycom phones not forwarding anymore

Noah Miller noahisaacmiller at gmail.com
Thu Dec 13 20:02:03 CST 2007

Hi Mick -

> I've had a functioning Asterisk system (1.2.18), which I haven't
> reconfigured in any way, that is just now refusing to forward calls.   I
> only have Polycom phones.  When I use the phone's forward feature
> (forwarding the phone with extension 204 to extension 206, which used to
> work as recently as yesterday) I get this in the console: "called
> sipreg-12344".  No ringing, nothing.  Just a long silence while the Dial cmd
> times out.
> I`ve rebooted the phones, the router, everything in fact, but no result.
> Would anyone have an idea where to look next?

I'd enable verbose logging and see what you can find there.  To do so:

1. Edit logger.conf
2. add the word "verbose" to the line "messages =>" (and make sure the
line is uncommented)
3. restart asterisk

Check it out to see what's going on.

Be very sure to disable verbose logging when you're done.  It will
generate a LOT of log entries, and can affect performance.

- Noah

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