[asterisk-users] SIP-Realtime and sip reload

Henrik Buchholz henrik_b at freenet.de
Thu Dec 6 10:29:40 CST 2007

Am Mittwoch, den 05.12.2007, 17:14 -0600 schrieb JR Richardson:
> > I use SIP-Realtime to store my SIP-users and I keep the informations
> > about the SIP-Providers my Asterisk registers to in sip.conf.
> >
> > I'm running into the following problem. If I set rtcachefriends="yes"
> > because I want to use MWI and run a "sip reload" because I changed
> > something in sip.conf, Asterisk forgets about all registrations of the
> > users which are all unavailable after that.
> >
> > How can I use rtcachefriends="yes" to allow MWI (isn't it needed for
> > NAT-keepalive as well?) and don't break everything with a sip reload?
> The short answer is, this is how it works, don't reload sip.conf or
> loose your cache.
> You can set your phone registration time lower that 3600 so phones
> re-register quicker.

Yes, that was my workaround which might be a solution unless you do a
reload on the busiest time of the day ;-)
Thanks for the clarification.


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