[asterisk-users] Adtran supervision problems

Steve Totaro stotaro at first-notification.com
Wed Dec 5 09:53:58 CST 2007

Jordan Novak wrote:
> I am sending a call down a E&M wink trunk to a adtran tsu600 
> channelbank. The extension is setup like so...
> exten=>799179,1,Dial(zap/g2,20,D(9179))
> exten=>799179,2,Hangup()
> It should Dial the Adtran and send some DTMF signals to a telephone on 
> an fxs module in the Adtran.
> Asterisk is seeing the call answered when the T-1 is picked up by the 
> Adtran not when the ringing phone is answered. This means the digits 
> have already been sent by the time the ringing phone is answered. Does 
> anyone have an idea on how to signal this correctly?

SendDTMF maybe?


Steve Totaro

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