[asterisk-users] New feature: calling all bug marshals

Ryan Burke burke at tailorhosting.com
Wed Dec 5 06:38:05 CST 2007

> Hi.
> I wanted to write a "popcorn" app for myself, both to learn how to
> script in extensions.conf, but also because it was something handy.
> Along the way, I found myself doing something like:
> [popcorn]
> exten => s,1,Set(FUTURETIME=$[${EPOCH} + 10])
> ...
> exten => s,n,While(${EPOCH} < ${FUTURETIME})
> exten => s,n,Wait(0.01)
> exten => s,n,EndWhile()
> exten => s,n,Play(beep)
> exten => s,n,Hangup()
> and hating myself for it (my Asterisk runs on a 500MHz Geode LX).
> So I decided it would be useful (in general, and educational for me in
> particular) to write a WaitUntil() application instead.
> Well, I've done that.
> I was going to file a bug and then post a "fix" to get their feature in,
> but the Bug guidelines seem to be pretty clear that this is not the way
> to go.
> So, I'm posting here instead.
> The example to paste into the documentation or extensions.conf is:
> [popcorn]
> exten => s,1,Answer()
> ; the amount of delay is set for English; you may need to adjust this time
> ; for other languages is there's no pause before the synchronizing beep.
> exten => s,n,Set(FUTURETIME=$[${EPOCH} + 11])
> exten => s,n,SayUnixTime(${FUTURETIME},Zulu,HNS)
> exten => s,n,SayPhonetic(z)
> exten => s,n,SayUnixTime(${FUTURETIME},,HNS)
> exten => s,n,Playback(local)
> exten => s,n,WaitUntil(${FUTURETIME})
> exten => s,n,Playback(beep)
> exten => s,n,Return()
> I invoke it as:
> exten => 712,1,Gosub(popcorn,s,1)
> exten => 712,n,Hangup()
> And lastly, attached is the source for app_waituntil.c.
> It's fairly straightforward, and not very big.
> But hopefully useful.
> Oh, before I forget:  it does require the recording of one additional
> phrase,
> either "local" or "localtime".  I've used "local" in my example above.
> And
> I read out the time first as GMT/UT (because I travel a lot), and then in
> the
> timezone of my PBX...
> -Philip


I just was looking over the app_waitutil.c and am confused you add 500 to
tv.tv_usec on the line "msec = (future - tv.tv_sec) * 1000 - ((tv.tv_usec
+ 500) / 1000);"?


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