[asterisk-users] Asterisk 1.4.15 sip.conf register

Joe Morsbach jmorsbach at stage49.homeip.net
Sun Dec 2 21:41:53 CST 2007


I recently upgraded from Asterisk 1.4.0 to 1.4.15...  I am registering to 
a sip provider in my sip.conf
as below

register=>user:password:authuser at serviceprovider/extension

Later down in my sip.conf I have the definition for that service provider 
as follows


With asterisk 1.4 it would know to look in the peer definition for the IP 
address information... Now it
appears that asterisk 1.4.15 is trying to do a DNS looking on 
"serviceprovider"... Of course that's
coming back as an unknown host, and it no longer registers.

Any steers as to how I can get asterisk 1.4.15 to look at the peer 
definition for the address info would
be appreciated.

Thanks Much!

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