[asterisk-users] Load testing/burn-in for Sangoma quad PRI card (off list)

Steve Totaro stotaro at first-notification.com
Tue Aug 28 17:13:45 CDT 2007

Erik Anderson wrote:
> On 8/28/07, Brian West <brian.west at mac.com> wrote:
>> What exactly are your needs?  I can provide you some sipp scripts
>> that might help you.
> Brian - thanks for the reply.  If you read my email, I believe I make
> it fairly clear what my needs are.  I have a 4-port Sangoma PRI card
> installed.  Crossover cables are connected between ports 1->2 and
> ports 3->4.  I'd like to generate a bunch of calls over those spans.
> -erik
Google SIPP and add some dialplan magic.

Another more creative tool would be to place an ad in the Penny Saver or 
whatever your local equivalent is for a "free 42 inch LCD TV, you haul" 
and list your number. I bet that would generate alot of calls. You could 
put them through and IVR, then a queue, and finally a meetme room.

Steve Totaro

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