[asterisk-users] recomend web interface for virual call center

Steve Totaro stotaro at first-notification.com
Fri Aug 24 06:47:26 CDT 2007

Gregory Machin wrote:
> Hi
> I Have been asked to setup a virtual call center. the server will be
> hosted at the ISP, with the incoming lines for the local telco .. the
> calls from the incomming lines will then be forwarded to individual
> users directly or  to other call centers ..
> Any suggestions on web mangment interface for asterisk / call center
> .. and needs to be open source ..
> Gregory Machin

How involved is the logic in the routing decisions (skills based, time 
based, DNIS based, ANI based, (dynamic or static) metrics based of agent 
or call center performance? 

Aheeva makes a killer product but far from open source.  Other than 
that, you may have to roll your own. 

If you are simply just sending calls to any available agent, you could 
probably get by with most of the GUIs out there (with slight mods).


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