[asterisk-users] Setting caller ID on outgoing calls.

Anselm Martin Hoffmeister anselm at hoffmeister-online.de
Mon Aug 20 13:38:51 CDT 2007

Am Montag, den 20.08.2007, 13:57 -0400 schrieb Joe acquisto:
> Excuse me if I recently posted on this, but I cannot find it, in my, or the list archives.
> Is it possible, when transferring a call, to set the user ID to that of the "outgoing number" instead of the incoming number?
> I believe the answer is (was) yes.

I seem to remember there is an option to the "Dial" command, possibly
"o". Check on the voip-info.org wiki. Maybe this is not true for 1.4
anymore, no idea. There seems to be a difference between transfer with
or without speaking to the callee first, and most probably transfers
made from the phone features (i.e. transfer button on some phones) will
not allow to send the original caller ID.

> New twist, does it matter what the destination "media" is?  Meaning, the call would be coming in on a T1,
> going out on a T1, but ending on a POTS line (which supports caller ID).

Not the media(SIP/T1) is the problem for outgoing caller ID, but the
provider/carrier. For SIP, Zap... devices connected to your asterisk as
their "server", you can of course send any callerid you want.

As soon as you have to hand over the call to any provider, be it SIP,
T1, ISDN, IAX,... you have to check wether they allow to set any ID, to
only set your own IDs (which are assigned to the outgoing line as
incoming numbers) or if they allow doing any CALLERID changing at all. 

Some providers do not even allow to block the own number, outgoing (for
example, afaik, 1&1 SIP in Germany), others allow to set only numbers
assigned to the phone line in question or block calls (without special
agreements this seems to be the standard setup for PRI, ISDN and
analogue lines in Germany) - others allow to send any number if it is
valid (where valid means the provider's idea of a phone number, it
seems) - sipgate.de seems to allow to set nearly anything starting with

>From what I learned about North American whereabouts the situation seems
to be similar - "business" providers seem to be willing to offer more
options to their customers, check with your providers.


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