[asterisk-users] I doubt it...

Benjamin Jacob benjamin.jacob at masconit.com
Tue Sep 26 21:51:31 MST 2006

Jay R. Ashworth wrote:

>On Tue, Sep 26, 2006 at 05:33:15PM -0500, DiegoF wrote:
>>   hola a todos, tengo una duda, ye he resuelto algunas pero otras llegan,
>>   /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>   hello to all, I have a doubt, ye I have solved some but others arrive, good
>*That's* where all these non-native English speakers are coming up with
>"doubt".  Someone's translator doesn't have an idiom for "I have an
Easy.. Easy Jay!! easy duz it!
You can't *expect* all to be native English speakers over here, or 
anywhere, for that matter. And am sure, he won't have a translator or a 
dictionary next to him, whenever he posts on this list.

As long as ppl are harmless, are talking asterisk, are making sense, 
arn't cussing you out, its A-OK!!
n besides, there isn't a Correct-English-talkers-only clause over here, 
I guess. Imagine a spanish-only (was that guy spanish??or mexican? 
baah.. all sound same) world and you would be sending "doubts" across as 
well, with a Spanish Jay calling you an eeedioto!!

live n let live.  or over here, lets make it as "Asterisk and let Asterisk".
now that i've flung my two cents,  lets start a flame ;-)


 - Ben.

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