[Asterisk-Users] UK Male English Voices

Will Tatam will at netmindz.net
Fri Sep 22 06:56:39 MST 2006

Steve Kennedy wrote:
> I'd like to announce that the UK Male English Voices are now up on
> http://www.tel.net/
> There's a complete set of base sounds and additional sounds (it should
> be complete compared to current Asterisk and Asterisk-Sounds-1.2.1).
> There's also a set with the word 'pound' replaced by 'hash' for both the
> base and additional sounds (only the actual replacements not a complete
> set).
> There's sets of gsm and pcm files.
> I'd like to thanks Jay Benham <jay at soundanswers.com> who did all the
> hard work of recording them, and Jim Credland <jim at cernproductions.com>
> for doing all the converting/sound work.
> Regards
> Steve
The website appears to be down


Will Tatam
Email / JID	will at netmindz.net
Web 	www.netmindz.net
PGP Key	www.netmindz.net/will/will_tatam.asc
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